Daraja HTTP Framework 2.8
HTTP server framework for Object Pascal
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CIContextContext interface
 CIContextConfigContext configuration interface
 CTdjContextConfigContext configuration
 CIHandlerIHandler interface
 CTdjAbstractHandlerContainerThis is the base class for handlers that may contain other handlers
 CTdjHandlerCollectionA collection of handlers
 CTdjHandlerListIterates handler list and exits when the response code is set
 CTdjContextHandlerCollectionMultiple contexts may have the same context path and they are called in order until one handles the request
 CTdjHandlerWrapperA HandlerWrapper acts as a IHandler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate
 CTdjContextHandlerContext handler
 CTdjWebComponentContextHandlerContext Handler for Web Components
 CTdjWebAppContextMain context handler class
 CTdjServerBaseServer Base
 CTdjServerBasic server class for the Web Component framework
 CTdjWebComponentHandlerWeb Component handler
 CIHandlerContainerIHandlerContainer interface
 CTdjAbstractHandlerContainerThis is the base class for handlers that may contain other handlers
 CTdjServerBaseServer Base
 CILifeCycleBase exception
 CIConnectorIConnector interface
 CTdjAbstractConnectorAbstract connector
 CTdjHTTPConnectorHTTP connector
 CTdjLifeCycleAbstract LifeCycle implementation
 CTdjAbstractConnectorAbstract connector
 CTdjGenericHolderHolds a reference to a web component or web filter instance
 CTdjWebComponentHolderHolds a WebComponent and configuration data
 CTdjWebFilterHolderHolds a WebFilter and configuration data
 CIWebComponentWeb Component interface
 CTdjGenericWebComponentDefines a generic Web Component
 CTdjWebComponentA base class which can be subclassed to create a HTTP component for a Web site
 CTdjWebComponentHolderHolds a WebComponent and configuration data
 CIWebComponentConfigWeb Component configuration interface
 CTdjWebComponentConfigWeb Component configuration
 CIWebFilterWeb Filter interface
 CTdjGenericWebFilterDefines a generic Web Filter
 CTdjWebFilterA base class which can be subclassed to create a HTTP filter component for a Web site
 CTdjWebFilterHolderHolds a WebFilter and configuration data
 CIWebFilterChainWeb Filter Chain interface
 CIWebFilterConfigWeb Filter configuration interface
 CTdjWebFilterConfigWeb Filter configuration
 CTdjAbstractConfigGeneric configuration
 CTdjContextConfigContext configuration
 CTdjWebComponentConfigWeb Component configuration
 CTdjWebFilterConfigWeb Filter configuration
 CTdjContextContext implementation
 CTdjInitParametersInitialization parameters
 CTdjInitParametersInitialization parameters
 CTdjRequestHTTP request information
 CTdjResponseHTTP response information
 CTdjHTTPServerHTTP Server
 CTdjServerContextA subclass of the Indy context class is used for future extensions
 CTdjAbstractConfigGeneric configuration
 CTdjContextContext implementation
 CTdjGenericWebComponentDefines a generic Web Component
 CTdjGenericWebFilterDefines a generic Web Filter
 CTdjLifeCycleAbstract LifeCycle implementation
 CTdjWebComponentMappingWeb Component Mapping
 CTdjWebFilterMappingWeb Filter Mapping
 CTdjPathMapHolds all known web component mappings for a context