Daraja HTTP Framework 3.0
HTTP server framework for Object Pascal
CIConnector | IConnector interface |
CIContext | Context interface |
CIContextConfig | Context configuration interface |
CIHandler | IHandler interface |
CIHandlerContainer | IHandlerContainer interface |
CILifeCycle | Base exception |
CIWebComponent | Web Component interface |
CIWebComponentConfig | Web Component configuration interface |
CIWebFilter | Web Filter interface |
CIWebFilterChain | Web Filter Chain interface |
CIWebFilterConfig | Web Filter configuration interface |
CTdjAbstractConfig | Generic configuration |
CTdjAbstractConnector | Abstract connector |
CTdjAbstractHandler | AbstractHandler |
CTdjAbstractHandlerContainer | This is the base class for handlers that may contain other handlers |
CTdjContext | Context implementation |
CTdjContextConfig | Context configuration |
CTdjContextHandler | Context handler |
CTdjContextHandlerCollection | Multiple contexts may have the same context path and they are called in order until one handles the request |
CTdjGenericHolder | Holds a reference to a web component or web filter instance |
CTdjGenericWebComponent | Defines a generic Web Component |
CTdjGenericWebFilter | Defines a generic Web Filter |
CTdjHandlerCollection | A collection of handlers |
CTdjHandlerList | Iterates handler list and exits when the response code is set |
CTdjHandlerWrapper | A HandlerWrapper acts as a IHandler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate |
CTdjHTTPConnector | HTTP connector |
CTdjHTTPServer | HTTP Server |
CTdjInitParameters | Initialization parameters |
CTdjLifeCycle | Abstract LifeCycle implementation |
CTdjMultiMap | |
CTdjPathMap | Holds all known web component mappings for a context |
CTdjRequest | HTTP request information |
CTdjResponse | HTTP response information |
CTdjServer | Basic server class for the Web Component framework |
CTdjServerBase | Server Base |
CTdjServerContext | A subclass of the Indy context class is used for future extensions |
CTdjWebAppContext | Main context handler class |
CTdjWebComponent | A base class which can be subclassed to create a HTTP component for a Web site |
CTdjWebComponentConfig | Web Component configuration |
CTdjWebComponentContextHandler | Context Handler for Web Components |
CTdjWebComponentHandler | Web Component handler |
CTdjWebComponentHolder | Holds a WebComponent and configuration data |
CTdjWebComponentHolders | |
CTdjWebComponentMapping | Web Component Mapping |
CTdjWebFilter | A base class which can be subclassed to create a HTTP filter component for a Web site |
CTdjWebFilterChain | |
CTdjWebFilterConfig | Web Filter configuration |
CTdjWebFilterHolder | Holds a WebFilter and configuration data |
CTdjWebFilterMapping | Web Filter Mapping |